Habit Building

The Rack Athletic Performance Center

The process of building habits is the result of consistent efforts day by day. There are 4 steps that shape habit building: cue, craving, response, and reward (Clear, 2018). The cue is the first indication that we are close to a reward, which is the ultimate goal of a habit. This cue then leads to a craving, which cues a response. The response is the habit itself, either a thought or action, that generates the reward. Rewards are the end goal of every habit and the driving force behind all habits, both positive and negative. The habit process can be thought of as noticing (the cue), wanting (the craving), and receiving (responding to get the reward). Rewards either satisfy us or teach us, or both. When we think of habits in this framework, it allows us to better understand our motivations and actions and better categorize our positive and negative habits.

Coach Jared

The Rack Athletic Performance Center

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